Dataset related operations
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Dataset related operations
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The search query
The field (and direction) on which sorting apply
, created
, last_update
, reuses
, followers
, views
, -title
, -created
, -last_update
, -reuses
, -followers
, -views
The page to display
The page size
, certified
, association
, company
, local-authority
An optional fields mask
An optional fields mask
An optional dataset acronym
The archival date if archived
This date is computed between harvested creation date if any and site's internal creation date
The deletion date if deleted
The dataset description in markdown
Extras attributes as key-value pairs
Is the dataset featured
Next expected update date, you will be notified once that date is reached.
The dataset identifier
The dataset last modification date
The resources last modification date
The dataset license
The dataset metrics
The dataset page URL
Is the dataset private to the owner or the organization
The dataset quality
The dataset permalink string
The dataset title
The dataset API URI
The update frequency
, punctual
, continuous
, hourly
, fourTimesADay
, threeTimesADay
, semidaily
, daily
, fourTimesAWeek
, threeTimesAWeek
, semiweekly
, weekly
, biweekly
, threeTimesAMonth
, semimonthly
, monthly
, bimonthly
, quarterly
, threeTimesAYear
, semiannual
, annual
, biennial
, triennial
, quinquennial
, irregular
The dataset badges
Dataset harvest metadata attributes
Site internal and specific object's data
The producer organization
The user information
Reference to the associated schema
The spatial coverage
The temporal coverage
The sorting attribute
The page to fetch
The page size to fetch
Filter activities for that particular organization
Filter activities for that particular dataset
Filter activities for that particular user
An optional fields mask
An optional fields mask
The resource creation date
The resource markdown description
Extra attributes as key-value pairs
The resource file size in bytes
The resource format
The resource unique ID
The resource last modification date
The permanent URL redirecting to the latest version of the resource. When the resource data is updated, the URL will change, the latest URL won't.
The resource metrics
The resource mime type
An optional preview URL to be loaded as a standalone page (ie. iframe or new page)
The resource title
The resource URL
Whether the resource is an uploaded file, a remote file or an API
, remote
Resource type (documentation, API...)
, documentation
, update
, api
, code
, other
A checksum to validate file validity
Harvest attributes metadata information
Site internal and specific object's data
Reference to the associated schema
Reference to the associated dataset
The producer organization
The user information
The community resource unique identifier
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The community resource unique identifier
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The resource creation date
The resource markdown description
Extra attributes as key-value pairs
The resource file size in bytes
The resource format
The resource unique ID
The resource last modification date
The permanent URL redirecting to the latest version of the resource. When the resource data is updated, the URL will change, the latest URL won't.
The resource metrics
The resource mime type
An optional preview URL to be loaded as a standalone page (ie. iframe or new page)
The resource title
The resource URL
Whether the resource is an uploaded file, a remote file or an API
, remote
Resource type (documentation, API...)
, documentation
, update
, api
, code
, other
A checksum to validate file validity
Harvest attributes metadata information
Site internal and specific object's data
Reference to the associated schema
Reference to the associated dataset
The producer organization
The user information
The community resource unique identifier
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The string to autocomplete/suggest
The amount of suggestion to fetch
An optional fields mask
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
An optional dataset acronym
The archival date if archived
This date is computed between harvested creation date if any and site's internal creation date
The deletion date if deleted
The dataset description in markdown
Extras attributes as key-value pairs
Is the dataset featured
Next expected update date, you will be notified once that date is reached.
The dataset identifier
The dataset last modification date
The resources last modification date
The dataset license
The dataset metrics
The dataset page URL
Is the dataset private to the owner or the organization
The dataset quality
The dataset permalink string
The dataset title
The dataset API URI
The update frequency
, punctual
, continuous
, hourly
, fourTimesADay
, threeTimesADay
, semidaily
, daily
, fourTimesAWeek
, threeTimesAWeek
, semiweekly
, weekly
, biweekly
, threeTimesAMonth
, semimonthly
, monthly
, bimonthly
, quarterly
, threeTimesAYear
, semiannual
, annual
, biennial
, triennial
, quinquennial
, irregular
The dataset badges
Dataset harvest metadata attributes
Site internal and specific object's data
The producer organization
The user information
Reference to the associated schema
The spatial coverage
The temporal coverage
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
Kind of badge (certified, etc), specific to each model
The dataset ID or slug
No body
The dataset ID or slug
No body
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The resource creation date
The resource markdown description
Extra attributes as key-value pairs
The resource file size in bytes
The resource format
The resource unique ID
The resource last modification date
The permanent URL redirecting to the latest version of the resource. When the resource data is updated, the URL will change, the latest URL won't.
The resource metrics
The resource mime type
An optional preview URL to be loaded as a standalone page (ie. iframe or new page)
The resource title
The resource URL
Whether the resource is an uploaded file, a remote file or an API
, remote
Resource type (documentation, API...)
, documentation
, update
, api
, code
, other
A checksum to validate file validity
Harvest attributes metadata information
Site internal and specific object's data
Reference to the associated schema
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The resource creation date
The resource markdown description
Extra attributes as key-value pairs
The resource file size in bytes
The resource format
The resource unique ID
The resource last modification date
The permanent URL redirecting to the latest version of the resource. When the resource data is updated, the URL will change, the latest URL won't.
The resource metrics
The resource mime type
An optional preview URL to be loaded as a standalone page (ie. iframe or new page)
The resource title
The resource URL
Whether the resource is an uploaded file, a remote file or an API
, remote
Resource type (documentation, API...)
, documentation
, update
, api
, code
, other
A checksum to validate file validity
Harvest attributes metadata information
Site internal and specific object's data
Reference to the associated schema
The resource unique identifier
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The resource creation date
The resource markdown description
Extra attributes as key-value pairs
The resource file size in bytes
The resource format
The resource unique ID
The resource last modification date
The permanent URL redirecting to the latest version of the resource. When the resource data is updated, the URL will change, the latest URL won't.
The resource metrics
The resource mime type
An optional preview URL to be loaded as a standalone page (ie. iframe or new page)
The resource title
The resource URL
Whether the resource is an uploaded file, a remote file or an API
, remote
Resource type (documentation, API...)
, documentation
, update
, api
, code
, other
A checksum to validate file validity
Harvest attributes metadata information
Site internal and specific object's data
Reference to the associated schema
The resource unique identifier
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The dataset ID or slug
An optional fields mask
The page to fetch
The page size to fetch
An optional fields mask