Spatial references
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An optional fields mask
curl -L \ --url '{level}/'
[ { "features": [ { "geometry": { "coordinates": [ {} ], "type": "Point" }, "id": "text", "properties": {}, "type": "Feature" } ], "type": "FeatureCollection" } ]
curl -L \ --url ''
[ { "id": "text", "name": "text" } ]
curl -L \ --url ''
A zone identifier
curl -L \ --url '{id}/'
No body
Append dynamic datasets
The amount of datasets to fetch
curl -L \ --url '{id}/datasets/'
{ "class": "text", "id": "text", "acronym": "text", "page": "text", "title": "text", "uri": "text" }
The string to autocomplete/suggest
The amount of suggestion to fetch
curl -L \ --url ''
[ { "code": "text", "id": "text", "level": "text", "name": "text", "uri": "text" } ]
A zone identifiers list (comma separated)
curl -L \ --url '{ids}/'
{ "features": [ { "geometry": { "coordinates": [ {} ], "type": "Point" }, "id": "text", "properties": {}, "type": "Feature" } ], "type": "FeatureCollection" }